
A few truths I’ve come to come to recognize and accept after I turned 40:

  1. I am my happiest self when I am outside

  2. I am most at peace when I am living in alignment with the four seasons

  3. The universe does have magical powers, but still there are plenty of things that just don’t make sense

  4. It’s not my job to fix everything

  5. I am a deep feeler and thinker. It is my superpower, although it does sometimes make my life a bit harder

  6. My need to organize my physical space is also a superpower and is actually not OCD (like my family tells me, in jest)

  7. I am grateful for every experience I’ve had, even (especially) the painful ones, because they’ve been wonderful learning opportunities

  8. For better of worse, all emotions are just fleeting sensations.

  9. Luckily, I am wired to always seek out the positive, but sometimes it can be a chore

  10. My identity will evolve and adapt for each season of life

Jenna L. Kashou