And the Winner Is....
Renae DeLucia, Illinois native, guessed 323 clues correctly for the Milwaukee Scavenger contest! That’s an incredible accomplishment and surprised me so much I reached out and had to meet her in person.
This is a girl after my own heart. She loves libraries, discovering new places and even keeps a running spreadsheet of her favorite places and things she wants to try in Milwaukee. We met for coffee at one of our favorite cafes, Stone Creek on Downer to talk scavenger hunts. She was absolutely delightful, just as I had hoped.
How did you hear about the contest?
I saw a sticker for it at Zocalo Food Park so I scanned the QR code and it took me to the website to learn more about the book and contest.
Where did you buy the book?
I checked it out from the East Side library. I had to place a hold and wait a few weeks so I didn’t get it until late November.
How long did it take you to complete the contest?
Well, I knew the contest ended at the end of December so I hustled because I
It took a few weeks for me to guess all the clues and submit them. I played Pokemon Go, so I was able to get the hang of it pretty quickly. It reminded of that a little bit. I am very competitive so if I was going to enter the contest, I knew I had to win.
Did you walk the neighborhoods or guess from home?
I was able to guess several from just reading the clues and using the picture hints. Those were very helpful. I did walk a few of the neighborhoods and I ride the bus to work through Clarke Square, so I was able to find clues while riding to work.
What chapter was the hardest?
Menominee River Valley.
The easiest?
Upper and Lower East Side, since I live on the East Side. And Marquette, since I did my undergrad there. I ride the Hop all the time so I was able to do that one quickly too.
What places were you most interested in/excited about discovering?
Greyhouse Creative Market, Sparrow Collective, Rosebud Cinema and the Sherman Phoenix.
What do you do for a living?
I am in my final year completing my PhD in psychology and counseling. I am currently working right now at the V.A. Hospital.
What are you going to spend your Sender’s gift card on – groceries, liquor or home goods?
Stay tuned for more information about additional contests and scavenger hunts as the winter thaws. So no, I will not be releasing a full list of answers to clues in the book. Sorry, the thrill of the hunt is just too much fun!
Me + Renae, Milwaukee Scavenger master. Much respect! (Geeeez I look tired in this pic. I def rolled out of bed late and forgot to put on makeup!)