Personal Brand

How do I describe what I do? Well, writing is a solitary pursuit that happens mainly in my head. I spend a lot of time in coffee shops, chatting with people, drinking coffee (black or tea, once I start to get the jitters) and staring at my computer screen.

Thankfully, photographer and friend Shannon Wucherer was kind enough to snap some photos of me in action (and listen to me complain about how awkward I feel getting my photo taken).

The writing part is only half of it though. Reporting and researching forces me out into the world, to find stories, meet people and see what’s happening in Milwaukee. Sometimes I write for publications outside of the city and conduct Skype and phone interviews, poring over pictures and articles to learn as much as I can about the topic from afar.

Really, I don’t know how anyone did this job before Al Gore invented the Internet (ha, ha).

I love my job because of the people I meet, places I visit and the privilege I get to bring people’s stories to life with words. And although (those who know me) might thing I am an extrovert, I live inside my head way too much, so any chance to step aside and learn something new is when I really feel inspired.

Any way, take a peek at the photos and hire Shannon if you’re looking to capture your personal brand or important moment in your life life weddings and babies. She’s a pro.

And, being a writer is awesome. I love what I do and hope everyone can find a way to use their talents in a creative pursuit!

Jenna L. Kashou